An independent editorial project, Our Book of Stories appeared in 2017 in Romanian, English, French, German, Spanish and Italian. A unique concept and a premiere in Romania, the book brings together a series of literary creations with simple and profound messages for young people, by authors with the most varied professions and who have never written a story. Invited to translate into prose or verse, through introspection and with the experience of the adult as an added value, the world seen through their eyes as if they were children, the 12 authors – Augustin Ioan, Dan Moruzi, Savu Popa, Mirona-Ioana Tatu, Cristian Muntean, Doina Rus, Julia Bartha, Raluca Purcaru, Modesta Peralta-Sosa, Claude Aubé, Silvian Duică, Mihaela Bancu and Teofil Mihailescu, as well as the 40 illustrators of stories and poetry were involved in this editorial project, cultural and charitable pro bono, the profit resulting from the sale of the book being destined for the Children’s Hospital from Braşov.