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Braşov | An emblematic descriptive perspective

The painting is located in the boardroom of the Neomed Clinic, Braşov
Acrylic on canvas embossed on the wall | 293 x 252 cm | 2016

This is the biggest work of art I’ve made, and, at the same time, the biggest painting in the world having as a theme Brasov. The painting is made after a photography taken by me from the terrace of a building near the historic centre, in the direction marked in the satellite image, looking over Brasov from an emblematic perspective for its atmosphere, architecture and history. The painting is bordered by four sections of text. At the top are the names that the city of Brasov has had throughout its history: Corona – Krunen – Kronstadt – Stephanopolis – Brasiev – Persava – Brasso – Brasov. On the right is the inscription in Latin Mutuus amor civium optimum est civitatis firmamentum, translated as The most precious virtue of the city lies in the mutual love of the citizens. At the bottom is the mission of the clinic: Excellence in the art of diagnosis and medical research of excellence. On the left is the inscription in Latin Visita interiora Terrae, rectificando invenies Occultum Lapidem, translated as Descend inside the earth and rectifying you will discover the Philosopher’s Stone, referring to the idea of ​​deconstruction, purification and reconstruction by distillation and decantation thus being separated the sterile the non-essential from the essential. Symbolically, this message invites meditation, introspection, a descent of the being into itself, a process similar to the rectification of rough stone and its transformation into cubic stone, suitable for a perfect Architecture, in its turn.

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